In his Memoriaal van de Marine at Amsterdam (1876-1880) published B.J. Tideman
a list of Dutch seagoing steamships under Dutch flag on 1 January 1876. The
details dealing with this ship are quite summary. Nothing more as that she was
no longer in service and that she measured 274 tons. The Lijst van de
Nederlandsche Oorlogs- en Koopvaardijschepen met hunne onderscheidingsseinen,
uit het Internationaal Seinboek ten dienste van alle Natiën. Rotterdam, 1876. Improved with latest information until 1 April 1876 reported
that she was a schooner steam ship, homeport Rotterdam, call sign NBHT, net
cargo capacity 724 tons, 50 hp. The Dutch newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad dated
9 March 1876 reported that the sale for ƒ 12.000 on Tuesday the 7th
in the saloon at Scheepsmakershaven no. 29, Rotterdam was retained. In the edition of the
5th was the auction announced of this iron screw steamship with as
last captain D. Ouwehand and according to the certificate of measurement with
as dimensions 41,30 x 4,39
metres and a hold of 3,40 metres measuring
excluded the engine room 210 tons or 111 barrels with a 50 hp low pressure
steam engine. She was at that moment berthed in the Westerhaven.