The navy shipyard on the island Onrust, Dutch East Indies had less works in 1885 as the navy yard at Surabaya, Dutch East Indies. Totally of day services:
Free men: Craftsman 68.325 and coolies 37.657.
Forced labourers: craftsman 84.955 and coolies 2.231
Totally; crafts and 84.955 and coolies 39.999.
Paid to the free men ƒ 186.403,00
Value services of forced labourers ƒ 15.519,00
Totally 201.922,00
Value of used material ƒ 134.025.
Overtime money 6.377
Medium daily wages ƒ 1,76.
Task work ƒ 11.149.
Among the free men were Chinese and natives and in the ateliers worked also some Europeans.
It was not difficult to obtain enough labourers although more skilled stokers and bench hands always were welcome. The number of deaths was quite lower as the year below 53 instead of the 94 in 1884/ This shipyard was mostly used for repairing 8 ships belonging to the auxiliary squadron, 15 of the Indies squadron, 9 of the government navy, 1 steam launch, 1 buoy layer, 10 private ships,2 hipper barges, 1 steam dredger and 3 Russian warships. Further more were 8 launches made and worked for ships in service or the storehouses and harbour departments. The 5.000 tons dry dock was less used compared to 1883-1884 and was in April 1886 brought to the dock pit at Surabaya to be inspected, repaired and painted. The buildings were in good condition with the quads intensively repaired and could be used for several years to come.. The coal shads on the island Kuiper required a lot of maintenance work.
Kamerstuk Tweede Kamer 1886-1887 kamerstuknummer 5 ondernummer 2. Account over 1886 for the Dutch East Indies. Dealing with the years 1885-1886.