At the navy yard at Willemsoord, Netherlands was started with making a covered slipway for the two torpedo boats large model Hekla and Etna for which the budget was approved. It was expected that she was to be completed on short notice. Both boats were built by Yarrow&Co., England. The first arrived in the meantime at Willemsoord where she was taken into conservation and fitted out for war tasks. The Hekla was nearly completed.
Kamerstuk Tweede Kamer 1882-1883 kamerstuknummer 2 VI ondernummer 2 Commentary Government Budget for 1883. With a review of the results in 1882.
Kamerstuk Tweede Kamer 1882-1883 kamerstuknummer 2 VI ondernummer 2 Commentary Government Budget for 1883. With a review of the results in 1882.