
Sunday, 20 April 2014

Steam launches at the navy yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands continued according to the explanation of the Navy budget over 1882

An item reported that the building of steam launches with a length of 30 and 25 British feet at the navy yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands was continued. The tests of the first in the Netherlands built ones were very promising. The commanding officer of the screw steamship 4th class Suriname reported satisfied about the steam launch with a length of 25 feet. The result was the decision that this kind of small boats also to supply to ships smaller as the screw steamships of the 1st class when bound for the foreign service.

Kamerstuk Tweede Kamer 1881-1882 kamerstuknummer 2 VI ondernummer 2
Staatsbegrooting voor het dienstjaar 1882 (Departement van Marine). Mainly dealing with the year 1881.