
Monday 26 May 2014

Collies mutinied on board of the bark Margaret Cander according to the Dutch newspaper Heldersche en Nieuwedieper Courant dated 28 November 1869

An item referred to a telegram dated San Francisco, USA the 9th received at London, England reporting that 300 coolies on board of the bark Margaret Cander captain Blachett mutinied killing the captain and 2 crew members. The first mate escaped into the cargo hold where he placed a barrel filled with gunpowder below the main hatch. He called the coolies to come and then fired the powder killing all most all coolies on deck. The surviving coolies sprang over board or were killed by the first mate and the remaining crewmembers. The bark arrived safely at Tahiti. The coolies were embarked at the Gilbert Islands [nowadays part of the Republic of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean].