An announcement reported that the Dutch extra ordinary fast coppered bark ship Koophandel captain A. Kuijper Wehrmeijer was bound for Batavia and Surabaya, Dutch East Indies. For more details Kuyper, van Dame&Smeer and Hudig&Blokhuijzen.(1)
1. Captain Kuyper Wehrmeijer (earier Swarts), flag 294 of Rotterdam, Netherlands, owner ‘t Hoen, Hudig&Co., measurement 531 tons, built in 1849 and homeport Rotterdam. Source Staat der Nederlandsche Zeemagt en Koopvaardij-vloot op 1 Januarij 1864.
1. Captain Kuyper Wehrmeijer (earier Swarts), flag 294 of Rotterdam, Netherlands, owner ‘t Hoen, Hudig&Co., measurement 531 tons, built in 1849 and homeport Rotterdam. Source Staat der Nederlandsche Zeemagt en Koopvaardij-vloot op 1 Januarij 1864.