
Monday, 27 May 2019

Dutch corvette Zr.Ms. Eendragt underway from Texel, Netherlands towards Batavia, Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 29 January 1818

An item dated The Hague, Netherlands the 25th referred to tidings received from St. Salvador [Brazil?] dated 18 July 1817 reporting the arrival of the Dutch corvette Zr.Ms. Eendragt captain lieutenant Bakker underway with troops from Texel, Netherlands towards Batavia, Dutch East Indies.(1)

1. On stocks at the navy yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands in December 1811, launched April 1814, broken up 1840, 20 guns. Ex-Bellona and ex-La Nayade renamed 1814 Eendracht. . Dimensions 120 ½ x 30 x 15½ feet.