An item dated Amsterdam, Netherlands the 14th reported that the same day at 14.00 o’clock successfully the Dutch corvette Zr.Ms. Galathé was launched.(1)
1. Department Amsterdam, on stocks at the navy yard Amsterdam, Netherlands February 1818, launched at 14.00 o’clock 14 September, departed to the Dutch East Indies 1819, wrecked in Banka Strait in the night of 29-30 May 1820, and an armament of 28 guns.
1. Department Amsterdam, on stocks at the navy yard Amsterdam, Netherlands February 1818, launched at 14.00 o’clock 14 September, departed to the Dutch East Indies 1819, wrecked in Banka Strait in the night of 29-30 May 1820, and an armament of 28 guns.