
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Dutch frigate Zr.Ms. Sambre and corvette Zr.Ms. Hekka arrived at Livorno, Italy according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 2 July 1829

An item dated Amsterdam, Netherlands 29th June reported the arrival at Livorno, Italy of the Dutch frigate Zr.Ms. Sambre (1) captain Van den Sande en the corvette Zr.Ms. Hekla (2) captain lieutenant A. Sluiter both coming from Genoa.

1. Frigate 2nd class, on stocks at naval yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands June 1818, launched 27 August 1821, coppered 1821, renamed Sambre 1828, guard ship 1850, 1461 tons displacement, 44 guns.
2. Bomb corvette, on stocks at Rotterdam, Netherlands January 1819, launched October 1821, stricken 1830, 20 guns.