
Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Dutch screw steam corvette Zr.Ms. Prinses Amelia fitted out at Surabaya, Dutch East Indies for homeward voyage according to the Dutch newspaper Heldersche en Nieuwedieper Courant dated 4 August 1861

A so-called water-tube boiler with 176 tubes and with a partly telescopic funnel

An item dated Den Helder, Netherlands the 3rd reported that the Dutch screw steamship Zr.Ms. Prinses Amelia captain lieutenant A.J. Kroef was fitted out at Surabaya, Dutch East Indies for the homeward bound voyage to the Netherlands.(1)

1. Screw steam corvette, built at the navy yard at Vlissingen, Netehrlands 1853-1855, ex- Borneo, guard ship 1872, stricken 1875, dimensions 51,00 x 11,50 x 5,00 metres, displacement 1.350 tons, armament of 19 guns, horsepower 150 hp and crew numbering 207 men.