half model as corvette
An item referred to tiding dated 25 June received from Rio Janeiro reporting that the Dutch transport Zr.Ms. Heldin captain lieutenant P. Toutenhoofd passed on 2 June the equator arriving on 20 June at Rio Janeiro and anchored there the same day. She departed on 4 May the roads of Texel, Netherlands. Her etat major was welcomed by Dutch, French and British navy officers. The intention was to depart after 8 days towards Batavia, Dutch East Indies. (1)
1. Built at the navy yard at Vlissingen, Netherlands on 1839-1842 as a corvette, later converted into a transport, 1908 accommodation and stricken 1915, dimensions as corvette 39,50 x 10,7 metres, 900 tons displacement, and an armament of 10-22 guns.