
Thursday, 6 June 2019

Wreck and inventory of German bark Humboldt for sale on Dutch island Vlieland according to the Dutch newspaper Heldersche en Nieuwdieper Courant dated Sunday 8 December 1867

An item dated Den Helder, Netherlands the 7th reported that at the Dutch island Vlieland the cargo and inventory of the there stranded bark ship Humboldt was being salvaged. She stranded there on last Tuesday. With a measurement of around 600 last. Her cargo consisted of bark, meat and bars (?).(1)

1. The edition dated 12 February 1868 published an announcement reporting the intended auction on Wednesday the 19th at 09.00 o’clock of her wreck with masts and alls stranded. This bark of Bremen was built in 1866 and measured 547 last.