
Monday, 2 December 2019

Dutch transport Zr.Ms. Dordrecht arrived at Willemstad. Curacao according to the Dutch newspaper De Curacaosche courant dated 17 September 1831

An item reported the arrival at Willemstad, Curacao on Sunday 11th of the Dutch transport Zr.Ms. Dordrecht captain lieutenant F. Jonker coming from Surinam. On board were 50 soldiers for the garrison.(1)

1. On stocks at the shipyard of Jan Schouten at Dordrecht, Netherlands 1828, launched afternoon at 16.30 o’clock (planned) 29 April 1829, docked at the navy yard of Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands 1-2 April 1830& 26-12 December 1831&28 August 1832; 22-26 November 1833&7 August-1 November 1834&12-14 March 1838, 3-10 September 1838&9 November 1839-22 June 1840, 12-15 December 1841&15-19 April 1842 and 16-18 August 1843, decommissioned 15 July 1847, brought to Amsterdam, Netherlands on 22 July 1848, handed over to the Institute for sailors van de Zeil- en Roeivereniging KNZRV 1848, replaced by the former Zr.Ms. Venus in 1862was coppered, with an armament of 8 guns.