
Monday, 27 May 2019

German steam warship Victoria visited Willemstad, Curacao according to the Dutch newspaper De Curacaosche courant dated 18 March 1876

An item reported the arrival at Willemstad, Curacao on Saturday the 11th of the German steam warship Victoria commanded by C. Donner coming from La Guayra. While anchoring in the Schottegat she saluted which was answered by the Waterfort.(1)

1. Laid down as the shipyard of Armand Fréres, Bordeaux, France with the imaginary Japanese name Osakka for account of the Confederate States and to be commissioned as the Lousiana and launched in 1864. The French emperor Napoleon III however forbade her delivery and she was sold on 13 May to Prussia and renamed the 31th Victoria. Stricken on 14 April 1891 and finally sold at Hamburg, Germany the next year. With a displacement of 1.827 (design)-2.272 (maximum) tons were her dimensions 75,20 (waterline)-81,50 (over all) x 11,1 x 5,03 (fore)-5,62 (aft) metres. Maximum speed 13, 5 knots, a crew numbering maximum223 men and an origin al armament consisting of 8-24pd guns, 6 long 12 pd guns (later replaced by 4-15cm guns), 6-12cm guns and 1-8cm gun.