
Friday, 10 May 2019

Spain sending warships and troop transports towards Havana, Cuba according to the Dutch newspaper De Curacaosche courant dated 12 April 1828

An item referred to a ding dated Havana, Cuba 15th February received from the newspaper Baltimore American reporting that the Spanish ship Veloz Passagero arrived that same day after a voyage of 34 days from Cadiz, Spain. She reported the departure on 9th January of the 74-gun ship of the line El Soberano (1) with 5 transports from Cadiz bound for Havana and that several frigates with the same destination were waiting for orders to depart.

1. The 3rd rate San Pablo, designed by Francisco Gautier, launched at Ferrol, Spain in 1771, renamed Soberano in 1814, broken up in 1854, measurement 1.600 tons, dimensions 173’ (keel)-196’4” (gundeck) x 51’4” x 25’8” x 25’1” (depth)  and with an armament of 74 guns (1828: 58-24pd guns, 24-18pd guns).