An item dated Philadelphia, USA reported the departure on 18th July from Cadiz, Spain towards Havana, Cuba of a large convoy with around 3.000 military embarked. The convoy was escorted by the frigate Sabina (1) and the brig of war Ligergo. The transports consisted of 7 Spanish, 1 French, 2 British and 2 Russian ships.
1. Probably the Santa Sabina launched in 1781 at El Ferrol, Spain using a French design, commissioned 1781, broken up 1828, and an armament of 40 guns (1796: 28-18pd guns, 12-6pd guns) and a crew numbering 307 men.
1. Probably the Santa Sabina launched in 1781 at El Ferrol, Spain using a French design, commissioned 1781, broken up 1828, and an armament of 40 guns (1796: 28-18pd guns, 12-6pd guns) and a crew numbering 307 men.