
Monday, 18 August 2014

Spanish warships and troop transports arriving in Callao Peru returning from Talcahuano, Chile according to the Dutch newspaper De Curacaosche courant dated 17 April 1819

An item referred to the Santa Fe Gazette dated 5th January reporting the arrival on the 23rd [December 1818] of the Spanish frigate Esmeralda, corvette Presidentia and brig Pezuela in the harbour of Callao, Peru together with the transports Beaver, Candelaria and Thomas with on board 700 military, 34 guns and a huge amount of stores, all coming from Talcahuano [Chile]. A few days earlier arrived the armed ship Cleopatra and the brig Potrillo with the ships Aguila and Malagro after visiting Quilca to embark there a battalion grenadiers and a squadron chasseurs of Arequipa [Peru]. The Lima Courant dated 30th September 1812 mentioned the arrival on the 24th of the Thomas and that every moment a small bark and another vessel were expected to arrive there.