
Monday, 18 August 2014

The Venezuelan naval force commanded by Gregor MacGregor according to the Dutch newspaper De Curacaosche courant dated 17 April 1819

An item reported that M’Gregors (1) naval force consisted of the 16-gun brig Hero Commodore Hodgson theformer British HMS brig Achates (2) on board his staff was embarked, the 18-gun ship Monarch with 40 men, the 2-gun ship Onyx with 30 men and the 3-gun brig Petersburgh packet with 30 men. The land forces numbered 600 men the remaining of 3 regiments which fought in the Peninsular War. Colonel O’Hara of the Royal York foreigners was second in command and further more were a number of French and German officers part of the staff.

1. Gregor MacGregor (24 December 1786 Stirlingshire, Scotland-4 December 1845 Caracas, Venezuela) soldier, adventurer and active in the struggle of the Spanish South American colonies to retain independence.
2. Captured on 30 October 1809 as the French brig Le Milan in the Atlantic, fitted out at Deptford, England March-30 June 1810, already commissioned in May, sold to John Small Sedger at Plymouth for 1,100 pond on 11 June 1818. Was built in March 1806. With a builders measurement of 327 39/94 tons and as dimensions 76’10’¾” (keel)-97’4½” (gundeck) x 27’9½“ (moulded)-28’3½” (maximum) x 13’2” (depth), a crew numbering 95 men and an armament of 16 guns (14-24pd carronades and 2-6pd guns).