
Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Dutch corvette Zr.Ms. Boreas departed Terneuzen, Netherlands towards Vlissingen, Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 25 July 1839

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands. original link

An item dated Terneuzen, Netherlands 23rd reported the departure at 03.30 o’clock of the Dutch corvette Zr.Ms. Boreas lieutenant 1st class. Since her return from the Dutch East Indies more as 3 months ago served she on he Schelde. She was the evening before ordered to return to Vlissingen, Netherlands where she was to be laid up and her etat major placed on non-activity.(1)

1. ‘Kuil’corvette later called a corvette 1st class, on stocks at the navy yard at Vlissingen, Netherlands 1828 by C. Soetermeer, launched on 22 March 1833, sold in the Dutch East Indies in 1857, displacement 776 tons, dimensions 36,5 (between perpendiculars) x 10,0 (inner hull) x 4,25 (fore)-4,82 (aft) x 5,39 (depth below maindeck) metres and an armament of 28 guns:20-12pd guns of 20-30pd carronades, 8-12pd carronades and 2-6pd guns.