
Thursday, 4 September 2014

Mutiny on board of Dutch merchant ship Pieter Floriszoon at Rio Janeiro ends with support of the Dutch corvette Zr.Ms. Boreas according to the Dutch newspaper Zierikzeesche courant dated 3 July 1840

An item referred to tidings received from Rio Janeiro reporting the arrival on 5th April of the Dutch corvette Zr.Ms. Boreas (1) and the the Dutch 3-master Pieter Floriszoon both bound for the Dutch East Indies. On the latter was a detachment of 120 men of the colonial troops embarked who started with deserting the first night after the arrval resuling in a complete uprising on the 8th. The crew of the Boreas helped in ending the uprising. Nine military were transferred to the Boreas to stay there on board during the rest of the voyage. The Pieter Floriszoon continued her voyage on the 14th without leaving one single deserter behind.

1. ‘Kuil’corvette later called a corvette 1st class, on stocks at the navy yard at Vlissingen, Netherlands 1828 by C. Soetermeer, launched on 22 March 1833, sold in the Dutch East Indies in 1857, displacement 776 tons, dimensions 36,5 (between perpendiculars) x 10,0 (inner hull) x 4,25 (fore)-4,82 (aft) x 5,39 (depth below maindeck) metres and an armament of 28 guns:20-12pd guns of 20-30pd carronades, 8-12pd carronades and 2-6pd guns.