
Saturday, 8 November 2014

British fleet preparing for attacking Russian fleet according to the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad dated 15 April 1854

An item dated Hamburg, Germany Friday 14th reported that the British admiral sir Ch. Napier (1) was informed by rear admiral Plum ridge (2) that 18 Russian warships were to depart from Helsingborg towards Reval. The British fleet was ordered to prepare for attack the Russian fleet.(3)

1. Sir Charles John Napier (6 March 1786 Falkirk, Scotland-6 November 1860 Hampshire). British navy officer who also served in the Portuguese navy.
2. James Hanway Plum ridge (around 1788 London, England-29 November 1863, Hopton-on-Sea, Norfolk, England). Served in the Royal Navy between 1799 and 1854 ending his career in the rank of admiral.
3. At that moment was the Crimean war (4 October 1853-12 February 1856) going on with France, England, Ottoman Empire were united against the Russian empire.