
Thursday, 8 January 2015

Dutch ocean going pontoon Wagenborg Barge 5 (WB 5) 2007-

Schelde off Vlissingen, Netherlands 4 February 2012

Netherlands-flagged. Owned by Wagenborg Towage, registered at Delfzijl, Netherlands. Built in 2007. Dimensions 100 (over all) x 25,6 (over all) x 0,77 (empty)-4,71 (mld) x 6,1 (depth mld) metres. Deck area 2.465 square metres. Gross tonnage 4.171 tons, net tonnage 1.251 tons, lightweight 1.665 tons, deadweight 9.900 tons and a deck loaf of 15 ton/square metre. Load capacity: line loads bulkhead 166 ton/metre, line loads transversal home 60tons/metre, deck column 332 tons and frame crossings up to 284 tons.