
Friday 20 February 2015

Vietnamese corvette (ex-SKR-135 renamed December 1983) HQ-17

Laid down at the shipyard Khabarovsk Zavod, Russia with yard number 49on 4 April 1972, launched on 12 August, commissioned in the Soviet Navy in the Northern Fleet on 31 March 1973; other sources claims respectively 15 August 1971, 12 August 1972 and 26 December. Handed over to Vietnam in December 1984. A former Russian Petya-II class (Project 159A) corvette. With a displacement of 938 (light)-1.077 full load) tons and as dimensions 78,00 (between perpendiculars)-81,80 x 9,20 x ,258 (hull)-5,85 (over sonar) metres. The armament consists of 2x2-6,72cm guns, 2xquintuple 40,2cm torpedo tubes, 2-12round RBU-6000 ADW Rl, 3 depth charge racks and she could carry mines with her.Fitted out with 2x-15,000 shp gas turbines and 1-6.000 shp diesel allowing a speed of 29 knots. With a fuel bunker capacity of 130 tons is the range 4.800 nautical miles using the diesel with a speed of 10 knots or 450 nautical miles at full speed.Crew numbers 88 men.