
Tuesday 10 March 2015

Dutch gunboat Hr.Ms. Brinio ‘arrested’ Belgian tug ACW 9 for dropping ammunition on wrong spot according to the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf dated 11 October 1919

An item dated Vlissingen, Netherlands 10th reported that the Hr.Ms. Brinio escorted into the harbour the Belgian tug ACW 9 in service of the British Admiralty and a lighter towed by the same tug. The lighter had been loaded with ammunition which was to be thrown overboard at open sea. In stead of this she was unloaded in the Deurloo. Tug and lighter were now berthed in the outer harbour waiting for further investigation by the navy if the dropped ammunition was a potential danger and the captain of the tug disobeyed his orders.(1)

1. An armoured gunboat built 1911-192 and in 1942 sold to be broken up. Follow the link article Brinio