
Wednesday 22 May 2019

Dutch submarine project 2061 dated 1947

After the Second World War was the Dutch submarine fleet almost reduced to nothing. In the next period depended the navy on submarines of British and American origin. In the meantime were designs made to produce an own submarine using a so-called 3 cylinder design. The N.V. Nederlandsche Vereenigde Scheepsbouw Bureaux [Netherlands United Shipbuilding Offices] in which the Royal Netherlands navy and the major Dutch shipyards were represented made some potential designs including project 2061. The concept was based on a design for a cargo submarine. The result was that the Supreme commander of the British submarine vice admiral Sir Max Horton service asked for an operational concept. The result was a 3-cylinder submarine with a displacement of 1.800 tons called project 2061. The two cylinders below had a internal diameter of 3,250metres, the one above 3,40 metres. The over all length was to be 94 metres. The armament consisted of1-12cm L40 gun fore the conning tower and after the conning tower of machineguns.