
Friday, 15 May 2015

Dutch submarine project 2068 1950

Impression based on a design dated 27 March 1950

After the Second World War was the Dutch submarine fleet almost reduced to nothing. In the next period depended the navy on submarines of British and American origin. In the meantime were designs made to produce an own submarine using a so-called 3 cylinder design. The N.V. Nederlandsche Vereenigde Scheepsbouw Bureaux [Netherlands United Shipbuilding Offices] in which the Royal Netherlands navy and the major Dutch shipyards were represented made some potential designs including project 2068.Dimensions 88,40 (over all) x 8,30 (outside thrush) x 7,48 (hold upper side superstructure) metres. Speed 17l5 (surfaced)-18 (submerged) knots. The armament consisted of 10 torpedo tubes and she was able to take 27 torpedo’s with her. Diving depth 200 metres. Her crew numbers 75 men. Displacement 1.412,70 (empty)-1.450/1.473,20 tons (included 15,00 ton victuals and 45,50 ton torpedo’s)-1.895,20 (trimmed) tons-2.459,20 (submerged) tons. Trimmed displacement included 10 tons distilled water, 20 ton fresh water, 20 ton lubrication oil and 305 ton fuel oil.