
Monday 13 July 2015

Dutch frigate Rozendaal 1692-1703

Of the admiralty Maze, built by Van Leeuwen at the navy yard at Rotterdam, Netherlands in 1692, captured by French in 1703, dimensions 125 x 33 x 11 feet, an armament of 36-38 guns and a crew numbering 150-220 men. In 1692 commanded bycaptain M. de la Cave, may arrived at Rye Bay, part of Dutch-British fleet commanded by J.E. Russell, 29 May-3 June battle at Barfleur, in 1694 captain C.Jzn. v.d. Hoeven, part of squadron commanded by H.Szn. de Vries and on 3 March 1795 Willem van Wassenaer appointed as commandeur.