
Sunday, 13 September 2015

Dutch 4th charter Beemster Koe 1686-1690

Of the Amsterdam, also called Beemster built by S.J. Lis at naval yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1686, lost at sea on 22 December 1690, dimensions (Amsterdam foot) 138 (prow)/115 (keel) x 36 x 14, height deck 7, bak and halfdeck 7, an armament of 50-52 guns and a crew numbering 210 men. Of the establishment dated 15 february 1680: dimensions 135(prow)/115 (keel) x 35 x 14, height deck 7, bak and halfdeck 7. Part of fleet which brought king-stadtholder William III to England in 1688, in 1689 captain H. Lijnslager.