
Tuesday 15 September 2015

Dutch paddle steamship 2nd class Zr. Ms. Batavia serving as guard ship at Surabaya, Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 31 December 1859

An item dated The Hague, Netherlands 30th referred to tidings dated 7th November dealing with the movements of the Dutch squadron in the Dutch East Indies reporting that the Dutch steamship Zr. Ms. Batavia captain J.C. du Cloux served as guard ship at Surabaya, Dutch East Indies.(1)

1. Paddle steamship 2nd class, contract signed between the Ned. Stoomboot Mij. (N.S.M.) Fijenoord, Rotterdam, Netherlands and the Department of Colonies for delivering ship, engines and 4 boilers for ƒ 455.000,00 on 13 December 1845 with yard number 16, commissioned on 21 July 1847, handed over by the shipyard on 23 July, major repairs 1851, stricken 1859, crew numbered 86 men (navy personnel), one funnel, 2 masts, horsepower 240 hp.