
Tuesday 20 October 2015

Dutch schooner brig Zr. Ms. Blommendaal cruising in the Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Java-bode dated 24 July 1888

An item dated Batavia, Dutch East Indies 24th reported the departure of the Dutch steamship Zr. Ms. Blommendaal (1) captain Van Meren Bentz van den Berg (2) towards the Bay of Bantam, Dutch East Indies.

1. In the Royal Netherlands Navy served with that name a sail schooner brig, building costs ƒ 119.000,00, on stocks at the shipyard of Huygens&van Gelder, Amsterdam, Netherlands on 10 July 1881, launched 1882, commissioned at Onrust, Dutch East Indies on 11 January 1883, decommissioned on 29 August 1899, became pilot station ship on the river of Palembang, Dutch East Indies, displacement 300 tons and as dimensions 28,5 x 8,5 x 4,22 metres, an armament of 2 medium rifles 7cm guns and a crew numbering 71 men (1888: 29 Europeans, 42 natives).
2. Jan Willem Anne Franciscus van Maren Bentz van den Berg (Vianen, Netherlands 8 February 1857-Middelburg, Netherlands 15 May 1937) was lieutenant 1st class and not earlier as captain on 1 December 1898.