
Monday 14 December 2015

American battleship USS Washington (1921) in 1923

West Virginia type. Launched in 1921. Displacement 32.600 tons, horsepower 28.900 hp, oil-fired turbine and electric drive machinery and an armament of 8-16” guns, 14-5” guns, 4-14pd anti aircraft guns, 4-6pd guns and 2-21” submerged torpedo tubes.(1)

Archive Dutch Naval Staff 1886-1942 (National Archive at the Hague, Netherlands)  inventory number 155. Fleets (the British Empire and foreign countries) on 1 February 1923.

1. To be scrapped under the Washington Treaty. The Washington Treaty or Five-Powers Treaty was a treaty ratified at Washington, USA on 17 August 1923 between the major naval powers USA, United Kingdom, France, Japan and Italy to prevent again an arms race by reducing the new building of battleships, battle cruisers and aircraft carriers and limiting the displacement of the others warships to a maximum of 10.000 tons.