
Friday, 18 December 2015

British light cruiser Birmingham (1913) in 1923

Chatham-class. Launched in 1913, completed in 1914, displacement 5.440 tons, horsepower 25.000 hp, coal-oiled fired turbine direct drive machinery and an armament of 9-6” guns, 1-3” anti aircraft gun, 16-3pd and machine guns and 2 submerged torpedo tubes.(1)

Archive Dutch Naval Staff 1886-1942 (National Archive at the Hague, Netherlands)  inventory number 155. Fleets (the British Empire and foreign countries) on 1 February 1923.

1. Brassey‘s naval and shipping annual 1923. Displacement 5.440 tons and as dimensions 430 x 49.10 x 15.10 feet. Hawthorn turbines. Her crew numbered 400 men. Oil bunker capacity 650 ton. Building costs 353.437 pound sterling.