
Thursday 7 January 2016

British pre-dreadnought battleship HMS Lord Nelson 1905-1920

Source: Fleets of the world 1915. Compiled from official sources and classified according to types

Of the Lord-Nelson-class. Laid down at the shipyard of Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company, Jarrow, England on 18 May 1905, launched on 4 September 1906, completed in Ictober 1908, commissioned on 1 December 1907m decommissioned in May 1919 and sold to be broken up to Stanlee Shipbreaking Company, Dover, England on 4 June 1920, resold to Slough Trading Company on 8 November 1920 and then resold to Germany and towed towards to be broken up in January 1922.

Displacement 15.358 long tons/15.604 tons (normal)-16.090 long tons/16.350 tons (load)-17.820 long tons/18.110 tons (deep) with as dimensions 135,2 x 24,2 x 7,9 metres or 443.6 x 79.6 x 26.0  feet. Horsepower 16.750 ihp/12.490kW supplied by 2 vertical triple expansion engines and 15 Babcock&Wilcox water tube boilers allowing a speed of 18 knots and a range of 9.180 nautical miles with a speed of 10 knots. Her crew numbered 750 (peace)-817 9war) men. The armament consisted of 2x2-30,5cn/12” Ml X guns, 4x2 and 2x1-23,4cm/9,2” breech loading M XI guns, 23x12pd quick firing guns, 2x1-3pd guns and 5-45cm/17.72” torpedo tubes for which she carried 23 torpedoes with her. The armour consisted of a 12” thick belt, decks, barbettes protected by 30,5cm/12”, citadel by 20,3cm/8”, conning tower 30,5cm/12” and with 20,3cn/8” thick bulkheads aft.