
Saturday 9 January 2016

German river gunboat SMS Otter sent disassembled to China according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1910-1911 no. 5

An item reported that German river gunboat Otter was disassembled in nine parts and sent to Shanghai, China. She was there to be assembled for duty on the Yangtze River. Measurement 270 ton, trial speed 15 miles, an armour of 5mm and an armament of 2-5,2cm guns and 3 machineguns.(1)

1. Launched at the shipyard of Joh. C. Tecklenborgm Geestemünde with yard number 15 July 1909, dent wit the steamship Marie Leonhardt of Leonhardt&Blumenberg, Hamburg, Germany towards China, assemblage completed end February 1909, trial on 28 February 1910, commissioned on 1 April 1910, sold to a firm in Nanjing on 18 August 1914, renamed München to prevent seizure due to the outbreak of the First World War, seized on 13 March 1917, as the Li-Tsieh commissioned in the Chinese navy, since 1920 part of the Amur-flotilla, later part of the Manchuko-navy, sunk on the Sungari river during a Russian air attack 19 October 1929 en broken up in 1932. Displacement 266 (design)-314 (maximum) tons with as dimensions 53 (waterline)-54,1 (maximum) x 8,65 x 0,98 men. Two screws, 2 funnels, 2 boilers, 2-3cylinder triple expansion engines with a horsepower of 1.300 h (trial 1.730 hp). Speed 15,2 knots, coal bunker capacity 87 tons and with a speed of 5 knots a range of 4.350 nautical miles.