
Thursday 24 March 2016

British Home Fleet reorganized according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1909-1910 no. 3

An item referred to the Marine Rundschau reporting that the strengthening of the British Home Fleet was strengthened by weakening the Channel Fleet. The Home Fleet was to operate in the North Sea area with as supreme commander the second Lord of the Admiralty admiral May. Admiral Beresford was on 24 March dismissed as supreme commander of the Channel Fleet and vice admiral Bridgeman as supreme commander of the existing Home Fleet. The main fleet was to consist of four divisions and at least one cruiser squadron with the possibility of a second cruiser squadron.

Lord Nelson-class battleships

Invincible-class battle cruisers



Duke of Edinburgh-class

1st Division: 2 dreadnoughts, the Agamemnon and Lord Nelson, 2 armoured cruisers of the Invincible-class later to be replaced by dreadnoughts, stationed at Sheerness.
2nd Division: 8 King Edward VII-class, until then part of the Channel Fleet commanded by vice admiral Sir Berkeley Milne, stationed at Cromarty, in the future at Rosyth.
3rd and 4th Division: ships of the Nore-Portsmouth and Devonport-divisions with just an essential crew. Strength and composition yet unknown, probably at least 9 ships of the Majestic and 7 of the Royal Sovereign-classes. Supreme commander was to be vice admiral Neville stationed ay Sheerness.
5th cruiser squadron consisted of 3 ships of the Minotaur-class and 3 of the Warrior-class, later of 3 Invincible and 3 Minotaur-classes. Supreme commander rear admiral Lowry.
Probably was the 1st cruiser squadron consisting of 2 Duke or Edinbugh-class and 4 Warrior-class ships to be added.

The Channel Fleet stationed at Portland was decreased to 6 ships of the Formidable-class and cruiser squadron which in the future consisted of the Drake and 3 ships of the Devonshire-class.

The torpedo fleet would probably not be reorganized.