Prinz Adalbert-class
General technical specifications. Displacement 9.533 (normal)-10,266 (full load) tons and as dimensions 127,3 (waterline)-127,8 (overall) x 20,2 x 7,76 metres or 418-419 x 66 x 25.5 feet. Their crew numbered 633 men (included 35 officers). The armament consisted of 2x2-21cm/8.3” l/40 quick firing guns, 10x1-10cm/5.9” L/40 quick firing guns, 14x1-8,8cm/3.5” guns and 4-45cm/17.7” torpedo tubes. Her armament as seaplane tender was to consist of 6-15cm guns and 6-8,8cm anti aircraft guns. The armour consisted of 1 8-10cm,/3.1-3.9” thick belt, a 4-6cm/1.6-2.4” thick deck with the gun turrets protected by 15cm/5.9” thick armour. Fitted out with 3-3 cylinder vertical triple expansion steam engines with 16 14 Dürr boilers delivering 17,272 (actual)-19.000 (design) ihp allowing with the 3 screws a maximum speed of 20,4 (actual)-21 (design) knots. With a speed of 12 knots and a coal bunker capacity of maximum 1.630 ton a range of 4.200 nautical miles. Hull built up from transverse and longitudinal frames to which the hull plates were riveted and divided into 12 watertight compartments and of the 60% of the ships’ length a double bottom.