
Saturday 7 May 2016

Dutch paddle steamship 3rd class Zr. Ms. Celebes stationed at the west coast of Borneo, Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche staatscourant dated 6 August 1864

An item referred to tidings dated 14 June 1864 dealing with the movements of the Dutch squadron in the Dutch East Indies reported that the Dutch steamship 3rd class Zr. Ms. Celebes lieutenant 1st class B.D. Trojen was temporarily stationed at the west coast of Borneo, Dutch East Indies to participate in the expedition against Sintang, Dutch East Indies.(1)

1. Paddle steamship 3rd class, call sign GQFH, iron-built, on stocks at the shipyard of Ned. Stoomboot Mij, Fijenoord, Rotterdam, Netherlands for account of the Department of Colonies with yard number 28 in 1851, launched in 1851, commissioned on 1 February 1852, decommissioned on 24 December 1870, stricken in 1872, 2 funnels placed side by side, dimensions 51,36 x 9,45 x 1,90 metres, 425 tons displacement, 8 guns, 80hp horsepower and a crew consisting of navy personnel.