Russian steamship Jekaterinoslaw in 1879
Horsepower 60hp, built in 1858,
original value 21.893 rubles and value in the end of 1879 15.364 rubles 67
kopekes. Extensive repairs in 1879. Mentioned in the financial account over 1
December 1878-1 December 1879 of the Dniepr-Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft. That
financial year were persons transported between Kiev-Krementschuk,
Krementschuk-Jekaterinoslaw and Kiev-Pinsk. Further more were also stores
transported on board of the steamships. The board consisted of G. Doppelmair,
H. Lehmann, Th. Ohm and K. Staritzki.
Archive Kon. Mij. De Schelde 1875-1970 (Municipality
Archive Vlissingen) 214.199