Russian steamship Kiew in 1879
Horsepower 60hp, original
value 42.108 rubles 43 kopekes and value in the end of 1879 12.505 rubles 28
kopekes. Mentioned in the financial account over 1 December 1878-1 December
1879 of the Dniepr-Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft. That financial year were persons
transported between Kiev-Krementschuk, Krementschuk-Jekaterinoslaw and
Kiev-Pinsk. Further more were also stores transported on board of the
steamships. The board consisted of G. Doppelmair, H. Lehmann, Th. Ohm and K.
Archive Kon. Mij. De Schelde 1875-1970 (Municipality
Archive Vlissingen) 214.199.