
Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Main armament of Italian battleships Dandolo and Morosino according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1913-1914 no. 5

Conte di Cavour-class dreadnoughts

An item referred to an Austrian source which claimed that the new Italian battleships Dandolo and Morosino being built at Anseldo and Odero were to be armed with 356,cm L/45 guns firing projectiles with a weight of 645 kilo and a start speed of 800 metres/second.(1)

1. The Giulio Cesare laid down at Gio. Ansaldo&C ., Genoa and Leonardo da Vinci laid down at Odero, Genoa-Sestri Ponente on 18 July 1910 part of the Conte di Cavour-class battleships?