
Saturday 16 July 2016

British Royal Navy new system for naming destroyers according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1913-1914 no. 6

An item reported that the British Royal Navy reorganize the appellation of her destroyers by dividing them in classes named A. B. C and so on and baptizing the new boats with a name beginning with the letter of their class painted in capital letters on the fore funnel. The result was class A allowed in 1894, B-D, allowed in 1895-1809 and 1900, E (the so-called River-class) allowed in 1901-1904, F allowed in 1905-1906, G allowed in 1908, H allowed in 1909, I allowed in 1910, K allowed in 1911, L allowed in 1912 but still without receiving new names and M allowed in 1913.