
Sunday 4 September 2016

American major politicians discussing ratifying London Naval Treaty according to the Ditch newspaper De Telegraaf dated Friday 18 April 1930

An item dated Washington, USA 17th reported that the American cabinet would wait for the return of the American delegates from the naval conference before she would decide if she before the summer recess the Senate would asked to ratify the treaty.(1) It was however expected that after the meeting that same day between Hoover (2), senator Borah (3) and temporarily secretary of state Cotton (4) the ratification proposals on short term would be sent to the Senate.

1. First London Naval Treaty signed on 22 April 1930 by United Kingdom, USA, French, Italy and Japan with ratifications exchanged on 27 October 1930.
2. Herbert Clark Hoover (10 August 1874 West Branch, Iowa, USA-20 October 1964 New York, USA), president 4 March 1929-4 March 1933.
3. William Edgar Borah (29 June 1865 Jasper Township, Illinois, USA-19 January 1940 Washington, USA), Republican, lawyer and senator for Idaho 4 March 1907-19 January 1940.
4. Joseph Potter Cotton (22 July 1875 Newport Rhode Island, USA-10 March 1931 Baltimore, Maryland, USA), under secretary of state 20 June 1920-10 March 1921. Was in fact acting secretary of state while Henry Stimson acted at the London Naval Conference.