
Thursday, 1 September 2016

Dutch frigate Dolfijn, frigate 1652-1653

Of the admiralty Zealand, hired 1652 (-1653), dimensions 105 x 24, height verdeck 5½ feet, an armament of 24-26 guns and a crew numbering 75-100 (included 26 soldiers) men.Admiralty minute dated: 9 November 1652: agreed payment 4 months hire to owner Jean Gruterus, captain Cats; admiralty minute dated 21 April 1653: agreed payment 100 pond Flemish to compensate damaged when mainmast collapsed. List dated 6 December 6512: captain Dijngeman Cats, hired ship, condemned due to large to crankness, homeport Middelburg, Netherlands, armed with 14-8pd guns, 8-4pd guns, 2-3pdguns, totally 24 iron guns, mostly belonging to the admiralty. Frst thought to be lost at Hitland (Shetland Islands).