
Sunday 11 September 2016

German battleships Posen and Oldenburg arrived in England according to the Dutch newspaper Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië dated 28 April 1920



An item dated London, England 24th reported the arrival of the modern German battleships Posen (1) and Oldenburg (2) in the Firth of Forth as a replacement for the ships scuttled at Scapa Flow.(3)

1. Laid down at the Germaniawerft, Kiel, Germany on 11 June 1907, launched in 13 December 1908, commissioned on 31 May 1910, handed over to England on 13 May 1920 and broken up at Dordrecht, Netherlands in 1922. Of the Nassau-class consisting of the Nassau, Helgoland, Posen, Rheinland and Westfalen. They were built to replace the Sachsen-class under the temporarily names Ersatz Bayern, Ersatz Sachsen, Ersatz Württemberg and Ersatz Baden.
2. Part of the Helgoland-class wit as sister ships the Helgoland, Thüringen and Ost-Friesland. She was laid down on 1 March 1909 at the yard Schichau-Werke at Danzig, launched on 30 June a year later, brought to Kiel to be completed, commissioned on 1 May 1912, stricken and decommissioned on 5 November 1919, as the ‘M’ she was on 13 May 1920 handed over to Japan which country was not interested and sold her a month later to a British ship-breaking firm and finally she was be broken up at Dordrecht, Netherlands in 1921
3. German sailors scuttled their ships lying interned in the Gutter Sound, Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands, Scotland on 21 June 1919. Of the 74 ships were 52 including 10 battleships and 5 battle cruisers with success sunk.