Thursday, 22 September 2016
Powder magazine exploded on board of Brazilian armoured turret ship/battleship Aquidaba(n according to the Dutch newspaper Soerabaijasch handelsblad dated 24 January 1906
An item dated London, England 23rd reported that of the crew of the exploded Brazilian battleship Aquidabar (1) 98 men were rescued and 212 men killed.
1. Laid down on 18 June 1883 and launched on 17 January 1885 at the British shipyard of Samuda Brothers. On 16 April 1894 sunk after she was torpedoed and two months later salvaged and repaired was she renamed Vinte Quatro de Mayo, in 1897-1898 was she at the German shipyard Vulcan, Stettin and the British Elswick yard rebuilt and rearmed. In 1900 retained she her original name but was again sunk on 22 January 1906 when a powder room exploded.