
Monday, 19 September 2016

Review of Washington Naval Treaty not issue of discussion according to the Dutch newspaper Het Vaderland dated 9 July 1927

An item dated Genova, Switzerland reported that the executing committee at the conference officially stated that a review of the Washington Naval Treaty no longer was to be discussed. Japanese and American delegations explained why they could not accept the British proposals. All delegates however supported the motion of the British Lord Cecil that before the conference was ended the issue of the battleships was to be discussed.(1)

1. Washington Naval Conference between November 1921-February 1922 signed by USA, England, Japan, Italy and France to limit the building of battleships, battle cruisers and aircraft carriers and to limit the possession of such capital ships by stopping completion of breaking up already existing. Battleships and battle cruisers were limited to maximum 35.000 tons and a maximum calibre of 16” guns. On 20 June 1927 started the Geneva Naval Conference aiming to limit the construction of cruisers, destroyers and submarines. France and Italy were not present at Geneva. This conference failed and was followed by the London Naval Conference resulting in the London Naval Treaty.