
Monday, 10 October 2016

American president Roosevelt expressively intended to realize his naval shipbuilding program according to the Dutch newspaper Soerabaijasch handelsblad dated 21 October 1908

An item reported that the American president (1) assured his friends that he would do anything to realize his plans of building 4 battleships and 4 cruisers while everyone was still enthusiastic about the successful voyage over the Pacific.(2)

1. Theodore Roosevelt (27 October 1858 New York, USA-6 January 1919 Oyster Bay, New York, USA), historian, author, assistant secretary of the navy 19 April 1897-10 May 1898, vice president of the USA 4 March 1901-14 September 1901 and president of the USA 14 September 1901-4 March 1909.
2. The Great White Fleet consisting of 16 battleships divided over two squadrons sent by the American president Theodore Roosevelt around the world between 16 December 1907 and 22 February 1909.