
Friday 18 November 2016

Dutch warship Raadhuis van Haarlem or Stadhuis van Haarlem 1658-1667 and British Stathouse van Haarlem or Stadthouse 1667-1690

Of the admiralty Amsterdam, built in 1658, captured by British 1667 and in service as Stathouse van Haarlem/Stadthouse, dimensions 130  (Dutch figure) x 31 (Dutch figure) x 11'6" (British figure), draught 15’ (British figure), 42-48 guns (1665: 14-18pd guns, 8-12pd guns, 20-8pd guns, 6-3pd guns), a crew numbering 200-227 men and a 440 tons British builders measurement. Participated on 13 June 1665 at battle at Lowestoft, 1666 at Four Days and Two Days Battles, June-July 1667 at raid on Chatham, 1667 captured before Sheerness by Royal British Navy, served as hulk and sunk on 28 October 1690 sunk at Sheerness to secure the graving place. Commanded in 31 March 1665 by captain Jan Adelaer.