
Saturday 12 November 2016

German did not capture Russian warships at Nikolaev, Ukraine said Lozovsky according to the Dutch newspaper De Indische courant dated 22 August 1941

An item dated Moscow, Russia 21 August referred to a statement of Lozovsky (1) denying that the Germans captured at Nikolaev, Ukraine an uncompleted Russian battleship (1) and other ships. This battleship and a cruiser without machinery were blown up together with the shipyards by the Russian forces.

1. Solomon Lozovsky [Dridzo] (16 March 1876 Ukraine-12 August 1952 Bolshevo, Russia), Bolshevik, appointed in several high positions like Central Committee member of the Communist Party.
2. The German forces did indeed capture an uncompleted battleship, namely the Sovetskaya Ukraina of the Sovetsky Soyuz-class at shipyard No. 198 at Nikolayev on 18 August 1941. She suffered just minor damage by the efforts of the retreating Russian forces. When the German forces left Nikoyev were their efforts to demolish more successful. In 1947 was decided to break her up.