
Sunday 13 November 2016

Panama Canal no reason for limiting maximum displacement of battleships according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1938 no. 5

South Dakota-class

An item referred to the magazine Marine Rundschau dated April 1938 reporting that it was nonsense that the a maximum displacement of 35.000 tons for battleships was chosen to be able to pass the Panama Canal with at that moment a maximum with of 33 metres. The American battleship USS North Carolina of 43.00 tons and as dimensions 270 x 32,25 metres and of which the building was stopped after the Washington Naval Conference would have been able to pass the canal.(1)

1. BB_52. Laid down at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard on 12 January 1920, suspended on 8 February 1922, further building cancelled when completed for 36,7% on 17 August 1922, stricken on 10 November 1923 and sold to be broken up on 25 October 1923. Of the South Dakota-class battleships consisting of the South Dakota, Indiana, Montana, North Carolina, Iowa and Massachusetts, preceded by the Colorado-class and succeeded by the North Carolina-class. Building authorized on 4 March 1917 but not executed to be able to use the results of the Battle of Jutland between the British and German navies on 31 May-1 June 1916 and that all building capacity was needed to built smaller warships. The Washington Naval Treaty of 6 February 1922 which was to limit the strength of the navies of the USA, Japan, France, Italy and the United Kingdom finally made an end of the in 1920 started building on 8the February followed by breaking up the unfinished hulls in 1923.splacement 43.900 tons/43.200 long tons (design)-42.100 tons/41.400 long tons (standard-47.800 tons/47.000 long tons (full load) and as dimensions 660 (waterline)-684 (over all) x 106 x 33 or 200-208 x 32 x 10 metres.